Whist Rules

For an overview of the game Whist, see Whist Basics.

Available Options


“Now” creates a new game that starts immediately. Other options schedule a game for a time in the next 24 hours. Compete and Join games only.


Four levels of winnings based on the buy-in level—30, 110, 275 or 550 Trickster Chips. Compete games only.


“Bid Whist” incorporates bidding to determine trump and the rank of cards. “Classic Whist” is always Ace-high with trump determined by the last card dealt.


“To score” plays the game until one team achieves the score set in “Play to score.” When “# of hands” is selected, the game is played only for the number of hands selected in the “Play # of hands” option.

Play to score:

Sets the game over score when the “Play” option is set to “To score.” The game ends when a team reaches the specified score or drops to minus the specified score. Can be “5”, “7”, or “9”.

Play # of hands:

Sets the number of hands to be played when the “Play” option is set to “# of hands.” When the number of hands is completed, the highest score wins.

Honours bonus:

“Yes” awards a bonus when holding 3 or 4 honours. “No” disables this bonus. Classic Whist only.


“None” for no Jokers with a 4-card kitty, “1” for one Joker with a 5-card kitty, and “2” for two Jokers with a 6-card kitty. Bid Whist only.


“Yes” deals 12 cards to each player, leaving a kitty of 4-6 cards depending on how many Jokers are used. “No” deals 13 cards to each player (no Jokers). Bid Whist only.


Minimum bid:

Sets the smallest bid allowed to open bidding. Can be “1”, “2”, “3”, or “4”. Bid Whist only.

Low beats high:

“Yes” means a low (downtown) bid beats a high (uptown) bid of the same level. “No” means low and high bids of the same level are considered equal and to bid higher, either NT or the next level must be chosen. Bid Whist only.


Sport the kitty:

“Never” does not reveal the kitty (blind) to anyone but the high bidder. “Trump” reveals the kitty to all players for trump bids only (not for NT bids). “Always” reveals the kitty to all players on every hand. Bid Whist only.

Bidder gets kitty:

“Yes” adds the cards from the kitty to the high bidder’s hand. He or she then discards an equal number of cards. “No” keeps the cards in the kitty out-of-play. Bid Whist only.

Bidder leads:

“Yes” means the high bidder leads the first trick. “No” means the player to the left of the dealer leads the first trick. Bid Whist only.

Lose if set:

“Off” means getting set does not end the game on its own. “2x” means if a team is set twice during the game, the game ends. “3x” means if a team is set three times during the game, the game ends. Bid Whist only.

Extra hand if tied:

“Yes” keeps the game from ending if both teams are tied. “No” means the game ends normally. Bid Whist with “Play # of Hands” only.


2x for NT:

“Yes” scores an NT bid at twice the normal value for its level. “No” scores NT bids normally. Bid Whist only.

Defensive scoring:

“Yes” gives the defending team points for tricks they take over 6. If “2x for NT” is on and “1x for NT defense” is off, defending against an NT bid scores double. “No” only allows the bidding team to earn points. Bid Whist only.

1x for NT defense:

“Yes” changes how “Defensive scoring” scores defending against an NT bid (see above). Bid Whist only.

Positive scoring:

Also known as progressive scoring. “Yes” gives the defending team the points for the bid if the bidding team is set. “No” subtracts the points from the bidding team’s score if they’re set. Bid Whist only.


Random seats:

“Yes” randomly reassigns seats at the start of each game to mix up player positions (sometimes keeping the seats the same). “No” allows players to keep the seats they choose. Compete games only.

Must be invited:

“Yes” hides this game from other players until they’ve been explicitly invited using the “Invite Friends” form. “No” allows all friends of players in this game to see it. Join and Compete games only.

Allow suggestions:

“Yes” to allow players to see bid and card play suggestions, depending on their personal setting. “No” prevents all players from seeing suggestions. Always “Yes” in Play games; “No” in Compete games.

Show all hands:

“Yes” shows all players’ hands face up during the game. “No” keeps other players’ hands face down. Join and Practice games only.

Hide player points:

“Yes” hides the points taken during the hand displayed next to each player’s name.

Allow deck upload

“Yes” allows decks to be uploaded using the Upload Decks button in the Current Game item in the main menu. Uploaded decks are used starting on the next deal following upload. Join and Practice games only.

Allow watching:

“No” prevents anyone from watching the game. “Face Down” allows up to 10 additional players to watch the game with all players’ hands face down. “Face Up” allows watching with players’ hands face up. Join games only.

Chat during game:

“None” disables all chat during the game. “Preset” allows only the built-in chat messages to be used. “Text” allows full chat. Full chat is also always available before and after games.

Time to bid:

Specifies an optional time limit for a player to bid. “Off” means there are no time limits on bidding. “7s,” “15s,”, “30s” & “60s” sets a limit to bid of 7, 15, 30 or 60 seconds, respectively. Automatically set in Play games.

Time to play:

Specifies an optional time limit for a player to play a card. “Off” means there are no time limits on card play. “7s,” “15s,”, “30s” & “60s” sets a limit to play a card of 7, 15, 30 or 60 seconds, respectively. Automatically set in Play games.