We’ve updated our website at trickstercards.com to cover more of the features we offer.
Learn about choosing to play free vs ad-free, playing with friends & family, organizing clubs, and more.
Players entering games mid-hand may now choose to wait for the next hand to play. Turn this on using the “Joining Mid-Hand” setting.
If you choose “Ask,” you’ll see this prompt when joining a game mid-hand:
If you choose “Wait,” you can change your mind by choosing “Play Now” from your player menu (click on your player name).
Rubber Bridge players can now play up to four rubbers in a single session. Set it via the “Rubbers” option under “More Games / Rules.”
Euchre games with the “call for best” rule now allow the alone bidder to decline passing a card if they prefer to keep their hand as-is.
The final contract no longer covers cards in face-up replays or games, now displaying inline with the player’s name.
Replays now show the scorecard automatically when skipping forward/back a hand, making it easier to find specific hands to review.
You can now view the list of games currently being played in the Compete section. This lets you see who is playing, the rules, and how long it’s been since each game was started.
Club admins can now opt-in to receive push/email notifications when someone requests to join their club. Look for “When my Club has a join request” in your notification settings.
We now show the count of full games in the Compete section. This can help you decide if you want to wait a bit for another game to open up, choose a game that isn’t full yet, or start your own.
We’ve added a requested “Random seats” rule you can choose for Compete games. It randomly mixes up seats at the start of each game (sometimes keeping them the same).
Find Compete games with this enabled by looking for a shuffle icon () between seats.
Turn it on for your own games in “More Games / Rules” under the “Limits” section.
Amazon recently changed how our app works on Fire tablets. If you’re having trouble using our Amazon app, go to trickstercards.com/game in the Silk Browser (the “Internet” icon).
Next, sign in with your account’s email address and use the new “Fullscreen” menu option. Guests should first sign up for an account.
Players in browsers on other devices can use “Toggle Fullscreen” at the bottom of Settings.
Amazon Fire devices can now use Video chat when playing in the Silk Browser.
Club admins can now list their club in a new public directory. Trickster Cards’ users can view the directory and request membership in publicly listed clubs. Club admins then review and approve the requests.
To list your club, ensure the “Allow membership requests” club setting is Yes and then set “List in public directory” to Yes.
We’ve added chat messaging between club admins and members. Club admins can post announcements to the entire club membership, engage in an admins-only chat, and send messages to specific members. Members can send messages to admins. Finally, admins and VIP members can post in a club-wide chat room.
See the new commands on the Club Details page and in the Chat panel.
By request, we’ve added daily challenges for Bid Euchre. One regular challenge with level-based bidding and a rotating challenge with level & suit bidding.
We’ve also added a new regular daily challenge for Spades. This one is a Joker-Joker-Deuce-Deuce variation often played in person. Min bid (board) is 4, 10-for-200, no Nils, no Blinds.
We’re excited to welcome Professor T from the World Series of Spades to teach Spades lessons!
Our first lessons cover Spades basics, letting you play out each scenario directly in Trickster Cards. They’re a great, low-pressure way for you or a friend to learn how to play.
Find the lessons in the Spades section below the Play, Join, Practice, and Compete buttons.
We’ve added a “Score only bid” Bid Euchre option. When enabled, you don’t receive extra points for tricks you take beyond your bid.
Based on swift feedback, we’ve added more Bid Euchre rule options. The new options allow you to set bidding to auction-style (multi-round) and level & suit bidding (versus just level then suit). There’s also a new option for “Maker leads first.”
Today we add an often-requested feature: a Bid Euchre variation of Euchre. Bid Euchre differs from Euchre in two ways: bidding and scoring. See our Bid Euchre Basics help file for more info.
Create a Bid Euchre game in the Euchre section using the “More Games/Rules” button. Set “Variation” to “Bid Euchre” and adjust other rules as desired. Then use “Create” at the bottom of the form to start the game.
Thank you for celebrating our 10-year anniversary with us this past month. While the celebration is over, we hope to keep playing cards together for many years to come.
Turn on the new “Allow membership requests” club setting for a direct link you can post on your website, socials, etc.
The link opens your club’s details page, showing a “Request Membership” button to new players. Players who don’t yet have a Trickster Cards account will be prompted to sign-up.
Club admins can then review and approve pending requests to join the club.
We’ve added a setting to “Confirm Cards” when playing. Choose “Tap 2x” to require a second tap/click or “Popup” to ask you to confirm each card.
In Bid Whist, normally when you have both the “2x for NT” and “Defensive scoring” rule options on, we credit double points for defense of an NT bid. With the new “1x for NT defense” option on, we don’t double the points.
You may now tag club events with words or short phrases. You can then filter by these tags when viewing standings or exporting results.
Based on feedback, we’ve added scoring options to Oh Hell which can encourage higher bidding (Bid² + 10) or more accurate bidding (Minus 5 × Tricks Off Bid).
We’ve added an “only organizers may start event” option to club events. When enabled, only an admin or organizer can start the event. When disabled, anyone can start once everyone is present or the grace period has expired.
From now through August 15th, receive a matching gift from us with each purchase.
You can now display Club Standings by time range. The page defaults to events in the last year.
You can now change which camera or microphone you want to use for our built-in chat.
After enabling video, click your player name and choose “Video Settings” to see a list of available devices. Pick what you want and we’ll remember your choices for next time.
Club admins can now assign members to regular partnerships at the club level. These partnerships will be used by default for events created with “Same partners all rounds” unless changed for that specific event.
Club event admins can now edit and confirm the final player list for an event before it starts. This enables admins to reserve seats for confirmed players who may not yet be present or exclude themselves from the event.
Club Events played with “Same partners all rounds” now group teams together under a single result instead of listing each partner separately.
Club Event Results sorted by wins now break ties using the points for a player/team and results sorted by points break ties using wins.
The lobby for a Club Event now shows temporarily reserved players using a clock icon (). These players will be included in the event if it starts before their reservation expires.
We’ve made it easier to create Club events with fixed partnerships by extending “Same partners all rounds” to work with “Round Robin” and “Winners Move” seat assignments.
In particular, “Round Robin” events with “Same partners all rounds” will ensure each team plays every other team once before repeating.
By request, we’ve added new house rules for Bid Whist. Limit games to 4, 5, or 6 hands, use positive scoring, or lose if set twice or 3x.
Set these rules in Club Events to keep rounds more in sync across tables. Or enable them in any game using “More Games/Rules.”
We’re excited to make Clubs publicly available! Clubs let you play multi-round and multi-table events with like-minded players.
Want to join a club? You’ll first need a free Trickster Cards account. Then ask a club owner/admin to invite you to their community.
Want to start your own club? Become a VIP to create and manage as many clubs as you’d like.
You can now remove players from untimed Join games who are idle (haven’t played for over a minute). When this happens you’ll get a prompt and see an hourglass next to their name.
Of course you can still choose to wait if you know they’re coming back.
You can now start the next round of a Club Event if prior round games become inactive (nobody has played for over a minute). This fixes cases where events could get stuck after a player left, disconnected, or stopped playing.
You’ll see a message when waiting on a prior round game to finish.
The new bot in our 2/1 Preview now does a better job of respecting forcing bids and exploring slam.
Change “Bidding system” to “2/1” in your next Practice or Join game to try it out.
Now you can play Spades where the first hand bids itself. This rule skips the first round of bidding, giving players 10 points for each trick/book they take unless they fail to make the min bid (board). Later hands are bid normally.
Try it out by going to “More Games/Rules” and enabling “1st hand bids itself” for your game.
We’ve updated the transition between Club event rounds to be faster and preserve video connections between players who are in the next game together.
We’ve simplified our notification settings by grouping them based on how you’re notified: when you’re online, on your device, or via email.
Check out the new experience in the main menu under Settings, Notifications.
Based on feedback, you can now click “Select Online Friends” to select all of your currently playing friends to invite to a game.
We’re preparing to make Clubs available to all players and are making some changes to how new clubs work.
Starting today, only VIPs can create new clubs or be added as club admins. Non-VIPs can still join clubs and play club events.
Current admins can continue running existing clubs whether or not they’re VIPs.
Club administrators can now schedule an event up to 1 month in the future. We’ve also changed the form to use a date picker for choosing the date.
Players with favorite rules will now see differences highlighted between available games’ rules and their favorites. This helps you choose games with rules you prefer.
You can turn off this highlighting by changing the setting labeled “Highlight Rule Differences” to No.
We’ve added bid explanations when playing with our new Bridge bot using the 2/1 Preview. Hover over or press-and-hold your legal bids (or tap other players’ bids) to see an explanation.
Our long-awaited new Bridge bot is available in preview. This new bot implements the 2-over-1 bidding system (with others planned for the future). Learn more at 2/1 Preview.
To use this new bot, create your next Bridge game using the “More Games/Rules” button and set bidding system to “2/1.” Available only in Join and Practice games.
Our menu is now harder to accidentally close on pages where you’re entering information. You can always close the menu by clicking the “X” in its upper-right corner.
You can now view an existing club event and use the “Copy Event” button to create a new event based on the one you’re viewing. When scheduling a new event without copying, we base it on the future-most event in the club.
Based on feedback, we’ve expanded the list of available chat presets. You can now edit your presets list to choose from the expanded set and remove unused items.
To change your presets, use the Edit button at the bottom of the presets panel or go to Settings and select the item labeled “Chat Presets.”
Our new “Daily Challenges” button below Play, Join, Practice and Compete groups together today’s challenges while giving you quick access to check results throughout the day.
Check the count on the button to quickly see how many of today’s challenges you haven’t played yet, and check the “View Past Results” button in the Daily Challenges section to access your results from the past week.
Spades games with friends now have the option to allow reneging, meaning players may play any card from their hand at any time.
Two penalty options are available for players caught not following suit: “Set” where the hand ends and the offending team is set and “Bid+3” where the offending team must take three additional tricks to make their bid.
Find it under “More Games / Rules” in the Join section. “Bid+3” only available when playing without Nil.
We now show times in your time zone when sending invitations and reminders. Check or change your time zone in Settings, Notifications.
With a VIP pass you can now chat with your friends when you’re not playing together—even if your friends aren’t VIPs. Learn More
Based on feedback, we’ve expanded the “Min bid” rule in Spades games to include “5” as an option. Find it under “More Games / Rules” in the Play, Join, Practice, or Compete sections.
Club admins can now export results from past events. View the club, choose “Export Results,” specify a date range and choose “Search.”
A preview shows the matching results. Choose “Download” to get a CSV file compatible with software like Excel.