Play for free with friends and family! Learn with our clean, easy-to-use interface. Enjoy the best of Trickster Cards — for Bridge!
Discover the best way to play together online — face to face! Connect with free video chat to feel like you’re sitting in the same room.
Play until one side wins a rubber — two “games” worth of contract points. Or mix up when the game ends with our many rules.
Play four hands of Bridge, mixing up vulnerability. Use a partscore bonus (duplicate style) or carry over contract points between hands.
Start learning Bridge without complicated conventions via MiniBridge. Get a feel for picking the correct contract and practice playing the hand.
Our bid explanations ease you into popular bidding systems. Tap someone’s bid while playing to see what it means!
Show everyone’s cards while getting adjusted to the game. Learn how others respond or help guide new players.
Placed the wrong bid? No problem. Allow undo in your rules to take back a bid or play.
Optionally show everyone’s cards after each hand. See what matched your expectations and what surprised you.
Level-up further by watching replays of your games. See what everyone had to better understand each bid and play.
Practice specific situations or hands shared by someone else. Manually edit deals or import from popular formats such as PBN.