Organize, communicate, and play together online. Become a VIP to create and manage clubs. Your members join free.
Schedule and run online tournaments with club events. Manage who’s invited, assign seats, and track results.
Give events life with included video chat. Let members see and hear each other while playing, just like in person.
See combined event results in your club-wide standings. Optionally filter by time period or tags.
Add members from your friends list, via email, or by sharing a link. Assign regular partnerships to simplify pairing members in events.
Allow your members to invite others to extend your reach. Or allow anybody to request to join by listing in our public directory.
Monitor games or let members watch while not playing. VIPs can also watch replays of past games to see how they went.
Post announcements or reach out to individual members. Members can also contact your admins for help.