A zoomed-in screenshot of a club invitation in Trickster Cards. The name of the club, Card Sharks, is displayed along with the numbers of admins and members. Options are provided to join the club or decline the invitation.

For Clubs & Groups

Organize, communicate, and play together online. Become a VIP to create and manage clubs. Your members join free.

A zoomed-in screenshot of a list of upcoming club events for a player in Trickster Cards. Two events are listed, one for a weekly Euchre tournament and another for a daily Spades competition.

Host Events

Schedule and run online tournaments with club events. Manage who’s invited, assign seats, and track results.

Screenshot of a game with video chat enabled in Trickster Cards. Three videos for the other players are displayed to the right and a video preview for the local player is displayed near the top-right.

Video Chat

Give events life with included video chat. Let members see and hear each other while playing, just like in person.

A zoomed-in screenshot of the club-wide standings for a club in trickster cards. Partnerships are ranked in order of their performance and the wins, losses, and total points for each partnership are displayed.

Track Standings

See combined event results in your club-wide standings. Optionally filter by time period or tags.

A zoomed-in screenshot of options to manage membership for a club in Trickster Cards. Listed options include managing admins, members, inviting friends, and configuring regular partnerships.

Manage Members

Add members from your friends list, via email, or by sharing a link. Assign regular partnerships to simplify pairing members in events.

A zoomed-in screenshot of two clubs in the public directory of Trickster Cards. Clubs can choose to list publicly to help new players discover them and grow their membership.

Grow Membership

Allow your members to invite others to extend your reach. Or allow anybody to request to join by listing in our public directory.

A zoomed-in screenshot of the hand and controls while watching a replay from a club event game.

Watch Games

Monitor games or let members watch while not playing. VIPs can also watch replays of past games to see how they went.

A zoomed-in screenshot of a chat between a club admin and a member. The admin is asking if the member received their invitation to an event. The member, did but wasn't available. The two continue to discuss what time might work best for the next event.

Stay in Touch

Post announcements or reach out to individual members. Members can also contact your admins for help.

A zoomed-in screenshot of the page to add/remove admins from a club.

Share Control

Add other members as admins to help manage your club. Admins must be VIPs — you can buy VIP passes as gifts if needed.