A zoomed-in screenshot of a player's cards in Trickster Cards. A few cards are raised slightly, suggesting them to be selected for passing.

For Beginners

Learning a new card game — or brushing up on an old one? Discover how to learn and practice at your own pace.

A screenshot of the list of basics help for games in Trickster Cards.

The Rules, Explained

See our “Basics” help to learn the setup, how to play, and our supported house rules for every game.

A zoomed-in screenshot of a suggested play in Trickster Cards. The Ten of Clubs is raised slightly in the player's hand, suggesting it. A yellow arrow has been added to the screenshot to help highlight the suggestion.

A Helping Hand

Turn on suggestions to see what our bot would do. A second opinion when you need it — easy to ignore when you don’t.

A zoomed-in screenshot of the timing settings in Trickster Cards. Options to adjust the wait between turns, how long to show taken tricks, how long to display the scorecard, and how long messages should appear for are presented.

Take it Slow

Get an extra moment to think with adjustable timing settings. Take your time to understand every bid, play, and score.

A screenshot of a game being played with all hands face-up in Trickster Cards. This is useful for learning and teaching other players.

See Everything

Show everyone’s cards while you learn. See how our bot and other players respond to different situations.

A zoomed-in screenshot of a list of daily Hearts challenges in Trickster Cards. Challenges for standard 4-player Hearts and for 4-player Hearts with the Jack of Diamonds worth -10 points are displayed.

Measure Progress

Check how your skills are progressing with daily challenges. Get feedback without worrying about critiques of your play.